our values in action

“The I-Thou relationship is where we engage each other as a whole human being, recognizing our common humanity.” - Armstrong & Matthews (2012)

At Clarity Coaching Lab, we’re making a difference.

People are at the forefront of everything we do. We believe that businesses perform best when they invest in their staff and that the world as a whole thrives when everyone has an opportunity to reach their potential. Through our volunteer work with not-for-profits, we’re proud to contribute to those who need it most. Animals need our love, too.

Get to know a couple of the wonderful organisations we support.

Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator

Funded by social investors like the Mastercard Foundation, Harambee uses its entrepreneurial spirit to advance the potential of young people in South Africa. Always innovating for solutions at scale, they placed 10,000 jobs in 2020, using psychological assessment and innovative readiness programs to prepare unemployed youth to develop the skills they need to enter the workforce. We’re thrilled to contribute to a process that enables talented, engaged people to find work, bringing economic support not only to themselves but in many cases, to the entire families they support.

Clarity Coaching Lab aids Harambee through mock interviews for youth before meeting with potential employers and offers pro-bono development for Harambee’s Leadership Team.

Kirsten’s Zoo animal rescue

Growing up on a large property in rural Australia, I was always surrounded by animals, and have become a passionate advocate for animal welfare. I’ve held onto my county roots by adopting Roxy, a rescue cat that has provided the best company for me as I've moved internationally for my career. 

After arriving in Hong Kong, I joined the volunteer team at Kirsten's Zoo, a not-for-profit organisation that rescues street dogs and cats from abandonment, illegal trade, consumption, and other forms of mistreatment. I have fostered cats and kittens until we found their “forever home” and have been involved in fundraising activities and volunteering at the local cat shelter.

I am also privileged to have participated in the 2023 Hong Kong Soho House Mentor Program, where I worked with my mentee, Founder & Aromatherapist Fammi Fan, for several months online.

Soho Mentorship pairs members with young creatives from lower socioeconomic and underrepresented backgrounds. It is run in partnership with Creative Mentor Network, Creative Futures Collective, OWN Academy and Routes In.